Strike a Balance..
Finding the right balance for you is key to your long term success, here’s a nice short life of things that need to be balanced with regards to diet and exercise…
“I just want everything to be perfect..”
This is one our least favourite sayings, ESPECIALLY when being applied to weight loss.
Does Calorie Counting work?
If you were to ask the internet this you’d probably get a whole host of toxic arguments, some for calorie counting and some against..
Protein & food quality
Okay, so we’ve heard a lot about calories. Does food quality matter? Again, you could fire up some pretty toxic conversations between supposed experts/guru’s online…
Is getting “ripped” a good goal?
Let’s start this topic by establishing two important things. The only reason you should follow a plan that you aren’t really loving is because it drastically improving your health.
The Power of NEAT
NEAT aka Non-Exercise Activity Thermogensis is a fancy way of describing how much we move throughout the day. Discounting your Resting Metabolic Rate…
Will Strength Training make me bulky?
People love to say “absolutely not” to this question with regards to female training to help them embrace strength training. The truth is, it’s not that simple.
Strength Training vs Cardio to change your physique
This is a bit of a misleading title, since there is no competition between the two. It’s entirely possible to build both aspects of fitness concurrently and with the evolution of…
Are all calories made equal?
A calorie is quite literally a unit of measurement, like a centimetre or degree Celsius. In that sense, every single calorie is the same…
Tracking weekly not daily
Having accountability is really important, it makes you more mindful of what you’re eating, how much exercise you’re getting and most importantly it enables you to react and adapt quickly when things aren’t going well.